LogoZulu FR


Efficiently communicate with your clients, members or franchisees with Experience cloud.

You are looking for a low-maintenance web portal to communicate with your customers? You desire to make their file accessible so they can update them? You wish to allow your members to open assistance requests (trouble ticket, general requests, Case)? 
With Salesforce's portal solution, you can exchange information with who you want in real time.

Our services include:

  • Implementation of an external website (extranet) connected to your Salesforce

  • Optimisation of your customer journey 
  • Smart display of your service contracts and warranties 
  • Improvement of your customer experience and its support
  • La connexion entre divers systèmes connexes (ERP, MRP, OMS, systèmes comptables, systèmes d’inventaire, système de manutention et de livraison) 
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